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The Absentee Ballot is the story of my four-year journey into a liberal inferno. I had been on
many unforgettable Italian vacations saturated with history, art and the world’s finest cuisine, but
I was left unprepared for what turned out to be a life’s lesson in the perils of socialism, or what
we in America call liberalism. As a graduate in Sociology, I had anticipated the cultural
differences and embraced them. But I was shocked by Italy’s over-taxation, immigration
policies and those European realities that had been mischaracterized by an American media
that apparently hadn’t just distorted reality in the U.S., but had misrepresented European life as

With each ring of the inferno, I was faced with different issues crucial to both Europeans and
Americans. Recent polls indicate Americans’ indifference to affairs beyond their borders. But
before voting in office proponents of socialized medicine, higher taxes and powerful unions, it’s
crucial to understand how, if elected, those policies would affect your life. Allow my European
parables to foreshadow your future governed by Democrats.

The media won’t put the orange warning sign in the road signaling “danger
ahead,” but this book will.